Brake Booster is a key device that increases the force applied from the brake pedal to the master cylinder during vehicle braking. This vacuum-independent, high-performance electric brake booster meets the demand of a modern braking system. It can be used with all drivetrain configurations and is particularly suited to EVs and automated driving vehicles.
The traditional vacuum booster brake system has the following disadvantages:
1) The brake system is bulky and noisy, and requires energy to maintain a vacuum status;
2) The motor driven vacuum pump is not suitable to act as the only vacuum source;
3) Poor pressure build-up dynamics;
4) It cannot provide brake-by-wire function, which is necessary for automated driving vehicles.
Automotive Platforms and Application Systems (APAS) R&D Centre was established in 2006 by the Innovation and Technology Commission of HKSAR Government and hosted by the Hong Kong Productivity Council. The Centre undertakes R&D programmes as well as commercialising R&D results in collaboration with industry, universities and technology institutes for the development of the APAS technology. Since its establishment, APAS R&D Centre has carried out over 100 R&D projects and focus on 3 R&D areas, Green Transportation, Smart Mobility and Intelligent Systems. To facilitate greater synergy and further enhance cost effectiveness, APAS is form part of the Hong Kong Productivity Council with effect from 1 Nov 2012.