University Programme and Occupation Selection AI System


PolyU start-up RightPick Technology Limited has developed a web-based system that uses AI to provide DSE candidates with 20 best-fit JUPAS programme selections, as well as best-fit occupation recommendations for adults in Hong Kong. This system is based on a survey of over 10,000 university students and more than one million job advertisements.

  • University Programme and Occupation Selection AI System 0
  • University Programme and Occupation Selection AI System 1
  • University Programme and Occupation Selection AI System 2
Research completion
Commercialisation opportunities
B2B: Secondary school principals and teachers B2C: F6 students and their parents
Problem addressed

Form 6 students often lack sufficient information to select the best-fit JUPAS university programme. While secondary school teachers may know their students well, they typically lack the time and resources to study the details of all 11 universities and 362 JUPAS programmes. Hong Kong's job market offers hundreds of opportunities, but people have limited time to explore them. After graduation, individuals only have a few years to try out different jobs and determine whether they are a good fit. Relying solely on personal experience and intuition to make such a critical decision can be challenging and may not result in the best outcome for the user.

  • Uses AI and algorithms to identify the 20 best-fit university programmes for high school students from one million data points provided by university students.
  • The first JUPAS character analysis in Hong Kong. Distinct from other character analyses available in the market (such as Holland Code, Enneagram of Personality, and MBTI). Tailored for JUPAS selection: recommends university programmes for each character type identified in the JUPAS character analysis.
  • Draws on big data consisting of millions of job advertisements and associated job duties, and uses AI to analyse user data and predicts the top 20 best-fit occupations.
Key impact
  • Objective and accurate analysis and recommendations of university departments.
  • Recommends university departments based on personality analysis suitable for the Hong Kong market.
  • Compensates for the inability to personally contact every employer to understand the relevant scope of a job. It is possible to use the system to obtain information on the job scope of all common types of work in the market, as well as the top 20 most suitable jobs based on users’ likes and dislikes.
  • Uses personality-oriented job analysis to help users understand the 18 types of personalities and related occupations that they belong to.
  • Cyberport Incubation Programme 2022
  • Hong Kong CityU Tech 300 - 2021
  • Hong Kong CityU Angel Fund 2022
  • THEi Cooperation Project - 2021
  • Hong Kong Techathon 2022 2nd Runner Up
  • The HK General Chamber of Small and Medium Business 2022 - Innovation Award
  • The Greater Bay Area STEM Excellence Award EdTech Companies - 2022
  • Open Data Hackathon 2022 - 2nd Runner Up
  • Students who have just entered Form 6, and those who have just received their Form 6 results
  • Adults preparing to enter the workplace or planning to change jobs
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

With over 80 years of proud tradition and ranking among the world’s top 100 institutions, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) aspires to be a leading university with world-class research and education.

PolyU is a home for educating thinkers, discoverers, innovators and communicators in delivering positive impact. We are committed to nurturing tomorrow’s leaders today, through a holistic education that provides graduates unrivaled placements to thrive in communities, industries and businesses.
