As one of the fastest growing universities in the world over the past decade, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) is recognised as a hub for innovation in research and professional education. CityU identifies solutions to critical global challenges by extending the frontiers of knowledge both within and beyond existing research paradigms.
The University’s highly qualified academics are drawn from all over the world, not only bringing a wealth of research and professional experience to the teaching programmes, but also contributing to the knowledge and technology advancement. The world-class labs, a suite of institutional-level Research Centres at CityU, as well as State Key Laboratories and Chinese National Engineering Research Centre, enable the University’s researchers to push research boundaries across different disciplines. Three world-class InnoHK research centres in health engineering, data analysis and AI have been established to conduct impactful research with leading researchers around the world. CityU also pioneers new forms of expression by bringing science and the arts together.
CityU is ranked #1 in Hong Kong among Top 100 Worldwide Universities Granted U.S. Utility Patents in 2022. It is also ranked 7th among the world’s top young universities according to the Nature Index 2021 Young Universities, and among the top 54 internationally in the QS World University Ranking 2023.
For further information, please visit www.cityu.edu.hk.