The first Chinese medicine hospital in Hong Kong is expected to commence service in phases starting 2025. Expertized in applied technologies of artificial intelligence (AI), IoT, and Robotics, LSCM is developing a AIoT Herbal Picking and Delivery System that can facilitate the hospitals' busy operations in future.
Typically, the gathering of herbal ingredients for decoctions of traditional Chinese medicine relies heavily on manual dispensing, which is a skill- and experience-intensive process. Hospitals have a high demand for speed and efficiency. Moreover, dispensary shopfloor by its nature comprises many complicated processes from storage, dispensing, decocting, to delivery, which pose great challenges to Chinese medicine hospitals.
Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre (LSCM) was founded in 2006, with funding from the Innovation and Technology Fund of The Government of the Hong Kong SAR, and is co-hosted by the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. It aims to strengthen the local logistics sector and related industries by providing a one-stop resource for applied research and technology transfer, and to reinforce cooperation between the industry and research institutes to bring about meaningful and significant impact on the industry and the community.
LSCM serves the industry by initiating research projects, contract research, as well as providing business matching opportunities, technology transfer and intellectual property commercialisation. LSCM initiates technology and knowledge transfer to the marketplace to promote industrial digitalisation, facilitate technology advancement and strengthen Hong Kong’s position as a leading logistics and commercial hub.