Backpack Mobile Mapping System for 3D Smart Cities Modelling


PolyU has developed a key laser scanning technology, Backpack Mobile Mapping System, for 3D modeling of smart cities. 3D city model is a very important spatial data infrastructure for the future smart cities, widely covering construction, disaster mitigation, and Metaverse etc. This technology has been commercialised through PolyU academic-led start-up Smart Space Technologies Ltd.

  • Backpack Mobile Mapping System for 3D Smart Cities Modelling  0
  • Backpack Mobile Mapping System for 3D Smart Cities Modelling  1
  • Backpack Mobile Mapping System for 3D Smart Cities Modelling  2
Technical name of innovation
Research completion
Commercialisation opportunities
IP licensing, Collaboration for product development, technology development in various application segments; Product distribution
Problem addressed

To build 3D city model effectively, for seamless indoor and outdoor, underground space such as tunnel, and other complex urban environments.

  • Our innovaton is an integrated laser scanning hardware – backpack mobile mapping system and 3D modeling software.
Key impact
  • Seamless indoor and outdoor 3D mapping
  • Centimeter-level high accuracy measurement from laser
  • Lightweight backpack system used flexiblly in various complex urban environment
  • Real-time visualizing the trajectory and 3D models
  • Gold Medal at the "2021 Geneva International Exhibition of Inventions"
  • Highly Commended Award by The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (UK) 2021
  • Construction: our technology can generate BIM, measure the progress of construction and also for MiC
  • 3D mapping: our technology can be used for seamless indoor and outdoor mapping, and generate photo realistic 3D city models
  • Power supply: our technology can be used to measure the status of power lines and facilities
  • Urban renewal: our technology can build 3D models for the existing buildings for the urban areas to be rebuilt, as a basis for urban redesign.
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

With over 80 years of proud tradition and ranking among the world’s top 100 institutions, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) aspires to be a leading university with world-class research and education.

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