Wi-Fi and CCTV Integrated Positioning System


This innovative self-improving Wi-Fi and CCTV indoor positioning system can gather real-time positioning data of pedestrians and objects with an accuracy of up to 0.3m. The data can be visualized on a geographical information platform and used for building optimization purposes.

  • Wi-Fi and CCTV Integrated Positioning System 0
  • Wi-Fi and CCTV Integrated Positioning System 1
Research completion
Commercialisation opportunities
IP licensing, Collaboration for technology development in various application segments
Problem addressed

Property owners are unable to realize IoT and real-time analytics due to the lack of indoor positioning data. This analytics are required for building optimization, energy saving, human resources management, digital twin etc. This causes expensive operational cost due to increase spending on energy, low situational awareness from lack of real-time information accessible, and poor sustainability from high carbon emission.

  • Wi-Fi few-shot positioning integrated with CCTV for real-time Wi-Fi support set update.
  • CCTV and PDR (Pedestrian Dead Reckoning) particle filter integration for pedestrian position estimation.
  • Dense matching of CCTV images to eliminate the need for continuous extrinsic and intrinsic parameter estimation, even when the camera is panning, tilting or zooming.
Key impact
  • The proposed technology provides real-time accurate positioning information of pedestrians and assets, allowing high situational awareness to facilities management for human resource management and energy saving applications. Thereby saving operational cost, time and reducing carbon emission.
  • Deploying our technology for pedestrians provide 0.3m level positioning accuracy for them to navigate around in the indoor environment. This can provide higher customer satisfaction by positioning them or help them locate an employee on a map. Location-based marketing can also be achieved using location information to the pedestrians.
  • In addition, a sharing & collaborating geographical information platform smartphone app will be created for facilities management to realize the location of every pedestrian, object and maintenance workers (detected by CCTV), making it accessible anywhere and anytime for swift planning and action.
  • Our innovative technology can disrupt the property industry by changing a rigid management style to a dynamic management style that saves operational cost, time, and carbon emission, with the use of real-time positioning information.
  • Champion of Techathon 2021
  • 3rd place in the 7th HK University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
  • HKSTP STEP Programme
  • Building optimization, energy saving
  • Digital twin, asset tracking
  • Pedestrian positioning, navigation and marketing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)

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