Surveillance Camera Anomaly Detection


CAiRS created a state-of-the-art (SOTA) modified residual network with color attention module, trained on customized "Blurveillance" dataset and small model size outperform SOTA networks in edge application.

It can classify image status with five classes "Normal", "Foggy", "Defoucs Blur", "Dirt Blur" and "Spray Paint".

  • Surveillance Camera Anomaly Detection 0
  • Surveillance Camera Anomaly Detection 1
  • Surveillance Camera Anomaly Detection 2
Research completion
Commercialisation opportunities
Technology licensing agreement
Problem addressed

Smart surveillance videos system taken in unconstrained environments can be tampered with due to different environmental factors and malicious human activities. They often blur the video content and introduce difficulty in identifying the events in the scene that leads to wrong real-time decision.

  • The system has a modified residual network incorporated with color attention module that significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art networks while keeping the model size small for edge applications
  • A surveillance image dataset, namely “Blurveillance”, is built. It collects 10,000 surveillance images of five classes: normal, natural blur, defocus blur, dirt blur, and spray paint blur.
Key impact
  • Enables AI real-time diagnostic health/anomaly detection management of the survelliance video anomaly system
  • Automatic real time signal for anomaly detection reduces man-hour for monitoring/inspecting the system status to nil
  • Reduces field service, video surveillance down time and the cost of repairing and maintenance
  • Surveillance camera system with large number of cameras
  • Smart lamppost
  • Automatic guided vechicle


  • PRC Invention Patent Application No. 202211032284.3

As “New-industrialisation” has gained momentum in Hong Kong in recent years, the city’s new growth agenda now depends on the application of innovative technologies to streamline manufacturing process for the development of high value-added industries and industry supply chains locally. In addition to regenerate manufacturing that once played a major role in the economy. 

Today, Hong Kong’s brands represent safe and reliable products and systems, and the Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS) has been established to ensure and elevate “trust” in Hong Kong products using a top-down, problem-centric and collaborative approach. Through our collaborating research projects with industry, not only accelerate the "commercialization of scientific research results", but also expediting the transformation of "from 1 to N" results. CAiRS consolidates local and overseas’ talents to improve the innovative eco-system.
