Hybrid Optical Parametrically-Oscillating Emitter (HOPE)


The invention relates to systems for visualizing the water content in the deep tissue of biological organisms. It features with a fiber-based infrared laser at 1930nm for multiple applications.

Commercialisation opportunities
Co-development, technology licensing
Problem addressed

Water plays a vital role in biological metabolism and it is essential to trace the water content by leveraging the vibrational absorption peak of O–H bond with 1930 nm light. However, due to the lack of an efficient laser source, it was challenging to image the water content in the deep tissue. To address this problem, HOPE was developed.

  • HOPE system is the first 1930-nm hybrid system that uses rare-earth doped fiber and highly-nonlinear fiber. This novel hybrid structure makes it emit pulse train with the maximum single pulse energy over 1.74 micro joule at a pulse repetition rate of 50 kHz and a pulse width of 15 ns.
Key impact
  • The all-fiber laser provides a simple yet powerful solution to generate broad-flat optical spectrum and high-energy pulse train. Due to its low cost and maintenance-free feature, it has wide applications in biomedical imaging.
  • Volumetric photoacoustic imaging on bio-tissue
  • Tomography
  • Disease diagnostic
  • Biomedical research


  • US and CN Patent filed

Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre

Biomedical instrumentation plays a critical and increasing role, albeit invisible to most people, in the healthcare industry by enabling more accurate diagnoses, effective treatments, and earlier intervention and prevention capabilities. Advancing the development of cutting-edge medical devices, actuators and sensors requires collaboration among talented scientists, engineers and clinicians, as well as an environment that facilitates the commercialisation of research results into real-world applications that are accessible to a broader population.

The mission of the Advanced Biomedical Instrumentation Centre is to accelerate progress in translating advanced biomedical instrumentation from research and development into real-world healthcare solutions that benefit people in Hong Kong and around the world. The Centre aims to foster collaboration among top-notch engineers, scientists and clinicians in the US and Hong Kong to develop next-generation microfluidics and low-cost instrumentation technologies. It also takes advantage of Hong Kong’ s vibrant start-up community to commercialise the research work tailored for Asian patients.
