To overcome current shortcomings in collecting microplastic waste in water systems, HKRITA has developed this innovative and sustainable system, Acousweep, to separate microplastics during water treatment, significantly preserving the water quality.
Microplastic pollution is raising increasing concern over its impact to natural environment, especially in ocean, and its potential adverse effect to human health. This project develops a novel approach using physical treatment to separate microplastic fibres from sewage water discharged from industrial laundry.
Established in 2006, The Hong Kong Research Institute of Textiles and Apparel (HKRITA) is funded by the Innovation and Technology Commission of the HKSAR government, and hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
HKRITA has achieved research deliverables over the years around our research clusters targeting in sustainability, industry advancement and social benefits through our centre-owned research teams and laboratories as well as collaborations with industry partners and institutions.