The sheet metal is gradually deformed into the designed three-dimensional shape by two co-operating six-axis manipulators running on the two sides of the sheet metal which has been connected with electric current and following a pre-set track, it is especially suitable for manufacturing sheet metal with small batch production and complex shape.
The market trend is changing from standardised products to personalised products and the demand for the complicated sheet metal parts is increasing due to the trends of weight reduction and product customisation. These lead to a decline in traditional metal stamping industry, which requires precise tools, since the cost of producing the tools for the above applications is not justified.
The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) is a multi-disciplinary organisation established by statute in 1967, to promote productivity excellence through integrated advanced technologies and innovative service offerings to support Hong Kong enterprises. HKPC is the champion and expert in facilitating Hong Kong's new industrialisation empowered by i4.0 and e4.0 - focusing on R&D, IoT, big data analytics, AI and Robotic technology development, digital manufacturing, etc., to help enterprises and industries upgrade their business performance, lower operating costs, increase productivity and enhance competitiveness.
The Council is a trusted partner with comprehensive innovative solutions for Hong Kong industries and enterprises, enabling them to achieve resources and productivity utilisation, effectiveness and cost reduction, and enhanced competitiveness in both local and international marketplace. It offers SMEs and startups immediate and timely assistance in coping with the ever-changing business environment, accompanying them on their innovation and transformation journey.